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Tovar v akcii

Moncha lite is the smallest and most affordable laser controller on the laser market. Just build it into laser and Click to Play!

naša cena 190,00 EUR

Projection screen size: 250*200cm

naša cena 490,00 EUR

KVANT ATOM 30 is our most powerful laser light show system based on Pure Diode laser technology. It's been designed for large indoor venues and outdoor events.

used max. 100hrs

bežná cena 15 990,00 EUR
naša cena 13 999,00 EUR


MIROXX s.r.o.
Vrbovská 577/46
tel: 0904887226

Úvod » LASER ACCESSORIES » MicroWheel grating set | Clubmax 10 | 15 | 24 | 40


MicroWheel grating set | Clubmax 10 | 15 | 24 | 40

The new MicroWheel grating assembly is the latest addition to our range of optical benches that we offer for nearly every single laser display system in the portfolio.



naša cena bez DPH : 213,00 EUR
naša cena s DPH (20 %):
255,60 EUR

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The new MicroWheel grating assembly is the latest addition to our range of optical benches that we offer for nearly every single laser display system in the portfolio.

It provides users of compatible Kvant systems with minimalistic and inexpensive, but practical addition of secondary effect that can be quickly installed directly onto the primary aperture of their projector. 

The MicroWheel is essentially a rotating grating effect, that is controlled with DMX. It's possible to control its rotation to the left and right and also the speed of the rotation.
Interchangeable grating effects included in MicroWheel package are StarburstLine-burst and Lumina, and they can be easily swapped one for another as required.

This addition expands the possibilities of the laser system even further and offers three amazing effects for you to use in your shows.


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Zákonným dôvodom spracovanie Vašich osobných údajov je Váš súhlas dávaný týmto správcovi v zmysle čl. 6 ods. 1 písm. a) Nariadenie Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2016/679 o ochrane fyzických osôb pri spracovaní osobných údajov a o voľnom pohybe týchto údajov a o zrušení smernice 95/46/ES. Účelom spracovania Vašich osobných údajov je zasielanie daňových dokladov za prenájom systému, obchodných oznámení a činenia iných marketingových aktivít správcom voči Vašej osobe.


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